Archive for March 14, 2013

Often in the course of investigations, in this case of a repeat offender, we go through the case file to see if there’s anything old that can be used.

In this case I can thank my compatriot Matt Knapp, bringing to my attention today something I forgot; Rick Dyer’s other YouTube page. The one, not so many people know about.

I’d also like to thank FB/FB for “authenticating” Ricks video and posting pictures he had sent them with their descriptions. Without their “authentication,” debunking this hoax would not have been possible.

First let’s look at one of the authentication frames in the video, 4:32 into the video, posted by FB/FB…



As we all know the “Camper Video” aka Tent Video was supposedly shot on September 6th, 2012. Well here’s a frame, shown at 1:26 into the film with Rick in front of a green screen, from Rick’s other YouTube Page, but notice the date, April 8th, 2012.


If you look closely, it’s just another angle of the tent in the Authentication video. Notice the fire pit over Rick’s right shoulder, (on the left bottom corner). In the authentication picture it appears in the center right of the frame. And what does Rick have in his hands??? (Albeit this was some time after the pictures were taken and the background is a green screen.)


Here’s a shot where you see more of the fire pit, and the larger tent tarped which corresponds so nicely with the “authentication” frame. The camera gear is out of the shot in the picture.

Not convinced? Well here’s the next set of pics I’d like to show you.



Here’s the frame from the “authentication” video stating where the ribs were cooked.

In this frame, found again in the same video on Ricks other YouTube page, is the identical fire, again posted April 8th, 2012 in the same video.



Here’s the links to the videos, (download them while you can):


Authentication Video:

Response to Johnny Boy and his girl friend bigfoot:


If anyone has any doubt the tent picture was taken previous to September 5th, 2012, remember it was the picture of the tent found by Carl Olinselot and Steve Alcorn on the BFT website, posted much earlier than September 5th, 2013 that exposed the Dan Morgan (perhaps a play on Morgan Matthews) aka “Shooting Sasquatch” (a play on the alternate title of “Of Monsters and Men,” “Shooting Bigfoot.”)




So with that being said, I think that this one is a wrap!!!

Till Next Time…


As we’ve seen in the past with hoaxers like Linda Newton-Perry on her Bigfoot Ballyhoo blog, often pictures state a thousand words.

When those pictures have been ripped off from other sites to embellish thinks such as evidence and expeditions, you can tell just how trustful a person can be.

Let’s look at Rick’s site,  and his expedition photo page. It states, “Here are some of the pictures from our expeditions.”




Now lets look at some of the pictures on the site, particularly the last three.

Picture of the SUV going through the water:



Actually comes from here:




Picture of the backpackers:



Actually comes from here:



Picture of the guy by the lake:



This actually comes from:



The picture from the awning, shown is not from an expedition but from the McGee Lake Monster Conference in Oklahoma from 2010:



The man with the hat in the PBS T-Shirt is Ken Gerhard.


Here’s Ken Gerhard being interviewed on Fox about the conference:



Who else was interviewed, stating “We had a body, but the government took it?”



Which leads us to this other “expedition” photo shown on Rick’s page:



Here’s who she is….


The reporter doing the news episode.

Thanks to the and Guy Edwards for keeping the news reel of the coverage that provided these wonderful screen captures.

Now onto the “evidence” that Dyer was with Morgan Matthews in 2012.

Well I can say with certainty these pictures have been on the web before 2012, and come on, these PROVE Matthew was there? Please:



In response to this I had a conversation with Rick, which from time to time we can be civil.

As to the Expedition photos, Rick claims that he has a third party doing web functions for him now and had no control over what they set up.


But we know that’s a lie, as we have looked on the Internet archive and found his website using 2 of the 3 since as early as 2011:




The pictures were conveniently removed from the BFT site after this post. (Thank goodness for screen captures!)

But first  I asked him about coming up with some evidence that he had been with Morgan Matthews and low and behold, he finally posted two videos which appear to be Matthews filming. And props to him for providing such (I guess my 10 percent chance of Matthews being with Dyer was slim enough for it to be the truth):

            Morgan and RickMorgan2

The videos were shot in late 2011, in Oklahoma.  So where does that leave us as to the body situation?

Well so far we have not seen anything from 2012 or in Texas. We have not seen a description change in the film from the Minnow site. And as stated in this blog, all indicators were that filming ended in 2011. This new evidence does nothing to the contrary to that.

It also does not explain how he stated Minnow took possession of the body how in the world can he be showing to anyone?

Is Tim Mitchell’s theory, for a while a Dyer/Issleb confidant, turned to the side of non-believers, when in a conversation with Issleb, Musky, stated this:

Minnow films is releasing this new documentary "of Monsters and Men" in March sometime at the independent Film festival. Rick through his BigfootTracker LLC company is guaranteed a piece of the sales of this film available only on DVD. Rick is promoting the film to enhance sales saying the Film will show a killing of a Sasquatch.

When the film is released not showing this, or an elaborate re-creation of such, Rick will claim he had no control of what final production would show and was promised it would contain the footage of the killing, and the body. Rick will continue that indeed his story is true. a story will follow explaining this and why the body is kept undercover….

                                                      – “Musky Allen” to Tim Mitchell 1/16/13

As far as Issleb’s description from what he saw during his “viewing,” I received a message this morning and this is what the person stated,

“If you are like me an avid deer hunter then you would recognize the words ‘Model 710’. That is a Remington model 700 series rifle with a composite stock and scope,I call it the Economic Model for hunters. They come in 30/06,270,300,7Mag, calibers most of the time and can be purchased at any Wal-Mart etc.

Here is the thing Steve,if you shot an Animal with any of these calibers from even close range the out come is simple. Small hole going in Explosion going out so if Dyer shot the Sasquatch in the back of the neck the end result would be NO face or Head.”

Till Next Time,
