So here I sit on day 33 of my COVID-19 Social Distancing marathon.  What do my eyes spy?

Well last week on Squatch-D TV we talked about Bob Heironimus, in relation to the Patterson-Gimlin Film, and his claims to being “the man in the suit” and how psychologically his story didn’t fit, it morphed into the ridiculous Bigfoot Massacre Theory espoused my Marlon K. (MK) Davis over a decade ago.

Davis was once hailed a hero over his work, stabilizing and enhancing the PG Film in ways it had never been done. But on a spring day in 2008 I received a call from a colleague at a Bigfoot conference, stating now MK was telling a tale of coverup, conspiracy and a massacre regarding the PG film.


MK Davis

All from some interpretation, by an amateur nonetheless, of his enhanced film. How you get a conspiracy theory, complete with assassins from Canada, bulldozers and lime burying a family of Sasquatch is clearly more talented than remote viewing a Bigfoot by a bunch of women claiming they are researchers.


My view on the massacre theory!

But I digress, because why this “theory” is complete and utter donkey fodder we shall discuss on Squatch-D TV on April 26, 2020 with Russell Accord and a special guest, what the real story is how a huckster new to the scene is piping in, an obvious attempt for more clicks.

The in turn caused the ringmaster to chime in along with his puppet who believes in virtually anything, (i.e.. “Angel DNA” Bigfoot aka Ketchum Project).


Scott Carpenter and a stump…(er Bigfoot!) Hmm..couldn’t put that camera in video mode?

Let me stop and say, there are people out there that say, “Ignore them”, or, “They can believe what they want.”

While that is true with “belief”, it is not with an allegation, and Bob Gimlin is still alive so they cannot and should not, be ignored. And Bob is now receiving threats according to manager Russell Acord.

But since mid-last year, there’s this cat that believes he is the “know it all” of Bigfoot maybe because he is some big game hunter and tracker.


Steve Isdahl… Bigfoot Rookie & Know-it-all.

People flock to him like he is “in-the-know.” He apparently had an encounter with a Sasquatch, but if true, it has sent him off the rails. At first he seemed normal, but then we have the usual crap we see from the “wanna-be” Bigfoot stars.

“Bigfoot is demonic.” “People in the Bigfoot Community are paid to say it’s flash and blood in some conspiracy, specifically Dr. Meldrum.”

Ah..we’ve seen this type in the Bigfoot world before. Their fame fades quickly.

He claims to speak to witnesses and give their accounts, (with no investigation I might add). He is in all appearances the Canadian Linda Newton Perry.

He says he, “Doesn’t give a F**K about what people think.” Let’s see!

He said he challenges people to challenge him…

In December I sent a PM to open a dialogue, even giving him my phone number… all I heard were crickets! 


And now he jumps on the Massacre bandwagon and his sheeple followers say to him, “Thank you for exposing this,” like it is something new. News flash…it’s not.

He slammed Todd Standing, his Canadian brethren, but then again, hoaxers don’t like company.

But here is a question from the “enlightened one.” If Bigfoot is supernatural, demonic, etc. how do you expect us to believe a family of them is killed?

Did they use Holy Water? Silver Bullets? A Proton Pack?

I mean, you said they were supernatural and / or demonic?

Or was this particular “clan” flash and blood? I am confused.

Seems a bit disingenuous doesn’t it? 

Well, we will be tackling this issue more in depth on the show of April 26, 2020 (9PM Eastern on Squatch-D TV) .

Currently here is our exciting show lineup…

Show Lineup Apr-May

We hope to see y’all in chat on the shows.

Please stay safe and healthy, God Bless!!

Till Next Time,
