Archive for March, 2020

Squatch-D TV March 29th, 2020 (Bigfoot Peeper debunking with special guest Ben Radford)_

Steve Kulls
Multistreaming with

Join hosts Steve Kulls & Chris Bennett with news, presentations, videos and pics from the Bigfoot world. Sundays 9PM Eastern. #bigfoot #sasquatch #stopthewoonacy

Again I hope this finds everyone in good health.

Debunking – to expose the sham or falseness of…

So over the last couple of days I have debunked a series of pictures of a video of an alleged Bigfoot peeping in a window. The debunking was largely based on the submitters outright lies. That combined with the ridiculousness of the nature of the statement he had made easily showed that the pictures submitted could not be real.

Part one of the investigation dealt with the man’s story and how it doesn’t fit true to his background. Inconsistencies were found.

Part two dealt with the little information we had on the photos and combined them what we do know, where the submitter lived. And the theory seemed to match pretty well.

The majority of folks are in line with the results. But there are a very few hold-outs claiming that this “debunking” is not valid because the pictures were not disproven. Apparently, lying about how the pictures were taken and came to be is not enough to debunk them. HUH?


So apparently the ONLY thing on the above screen we are to believe is the photos?

There does seem to be a confirmation bias along with this syndrome as well.

My reply was the following to this:

Debunking doesn’t have to deal with the photos, although if you read part II I did deal with the photos. The story is a LIE. People act with such naivety.

Everyone is focusing on his record. That wasn’t the only point. His wife has passed, and he doesn’t live nor does he own property as he stated, in Bailey. BS in equals BS out. If you have a BS story you have BS evidence.

The reason why people get duped is they are two dimensional which people ignore the problems with his story as shown in 2 different blogs and. How can you debunk photos when you have no real information nor an original file? You can’t.

Why did he wait almost three years to say something about this? (His own Facebook page didn’t have these pictures on them until March of this year.)

Conveniently has a video recorder next to him?

Didn’t call his wife to see what was going on?

Videotapes for ten minutes..then he thinks of grabbing his gun?

Original file destroyed in a fire?

Come on… people THINK!!

Vague details on what sheriff’s department he called or where this alleged fire was. Vagueness in verifiable details is a huge flag.

But some people have such strong confirmation bias, that they are willing to overlook REALITY. Dyer’s tent video and 2nd body was a great example of that.

People forget in the REAL world when physical evidence is scarce or limited; what real-world investigators do is look at the suspect account.

So is this your stance now that if someone takes a picture of a Sasquatch that no story can be used to verify or debunk a claim, only the pictures? So if someone reports seeing Sasquatch we should just take their word? I mean if you find flaws in their story it is a "debunking" rather than a debunking.

If certain people believe that, enjoy your "research."

I find it pretty biased that people that state, "just because he can’t have a gun doesn’t mean he didn’t have one." Agreed he could. But it’s also kind of stupid to put that on blast around the internet.

Why do you call the photographer the "alleged" photographer? He admitted he was. Seems to me you use quotes when you want to emphasize sarcasm. Matter of fact every reference on the internet points back to him as the source of the photos. Or are you trying to shape a new theory based on….? Confirmation bias perhaps?

I say this not as a criticism but as a teachable moment.

What evidence do you have that the photos are legitimate? You don’t because his story is BS.

But the other points of the debunking are being ignored. Why is common sense being ignored? Why? Confirmation Bias.

It is inconceivable to me, other than confirmation bias, that a person would overlook someone’s statement to rule or rule out a piece of evidence’s reliability.

In the case of Susan Smith, the evidence was 2 missing kids and a car. The police had nothing other than that besides her statement. How did they debunk she was carjacked? By breaking down her story.

Similarly here we are left with a series of photos with NOTHING to verify their authenticity. All we had was the story. So there you have it.

Inconsistencies in ANY investigation, civil, criminal, cryptid, UFO or paranormal, regardless if evidence is collected or not is a huge flag.

Not only did our investigation provide the submitter’s real address, it gave us confirmation of something we suspected in the photos in regards to the lights in the background.

Rather than today going on a long soliloquy of the process of investigation we just wanted to bring this gem of an excuse up. 

On Squatch-D TV this Sunday we will be breaking down the investigation as well as having our good friend Ben Radford on. 

If you haven’t read about the “Bigfoot Peeper” you can read them here:

Part I

Part II


We must all keep reality in mind when conducting investigations and cast all aspersions aside to conduct fair, unbiased and ethical investigations.

If you want further investigation tips you can visit and click on the Squatchdetective University or (shameless plug!) you can read my new book, The Sasquatch Playbook:A Believer Looking at the Sasquatch Mystery Through the Eyes of a Skeptic:


Click on photo for more info!

Everyone please keep safe and be sure to comply with social distancing. We are getting there…slowly…but getting there!

Till Next Time,


Peeping Bigfoot Part II

Yesterday, I announced the sad and the shocking truth, here about the “Peeping Bigfoot” and why with looking at Yeoman’s background why his story was a fabrication.

To recap quickly:

  1. He doesn’t live nor possess land in Bailey, Colorado or Park County, CO.
  2. He wife passed away in 2012 and he hasn’t remarried, so how was his wife in the story?
  3. He is not allowed to possess a firearm in Colorado, due to being a convicted felon.

There were other things of his story that didn’t jive from an investigator’s standpoint.

  1. Why didn’t he call his wife in at the onset of the incident?
  2. Convenient to have a camcorder sitting next to you in your living room, fully charged and ready to go.
  3. Convenient that the original file was destroyed in a fire, but the pictures of the computer screen somehow survived. Details of the fire were vague.
  4. Why wait almost 3 years to reveal this information?
  5. Why didn’t he name the correct Sheriff’s Department? He just stated the sheriff.

A tell to investigators that something is wrong with a story is how some elements of an account are very detailed and some very vague, especially when it comes to verifiable information. I have seen this hundreds of times.

I did locate his actual Colorado residence located in Golden, CO and it was in a pretty congested neighborhood. (Remember I said, this whole revelation was discovered by trying to properly file a FOIL request to the Park County Sheriff’s Office by obtaining a workable address.) That led to the discovery of his real name, Jonathan Scott Yeoman and a social media scrub tying him to Kokomo, IN (Howard County) which in turn led to the discovery of his arrest in Howard County Indiana. His actual residence in Colorado is in Jefferson County and has a history there confirmed by a 2008 arrest in Jefferson County for harassment.

Residence Overhead

Again this is not a judge of his character in the sense that he had been previously convicted of a felony. As you can see all of the red flags in the story itself. 

It would not be uncommon for a convicted sex offender to alter their name a bit because of the stigma attached, to their crime so Jonathan Scott Yeoman became Scott Yeoman publicly. I believe in some part, I am sure, so people do not easily connect the dots to his past convictions. That all from an investigator’s standpoint makes perfect sense.

The response

The response amongst the community was mixed. For some it was shock, for some it was more of the same; another hoax, believers turned. A couple held out until they were shown some of the things I discovered in more detail, quelling any doubts. But I did hear one story that made me shake my head and laugh.

“ ‘So and so’ believes the story was made up but the pictures are real.” – Anonymous

Well I knew there would be a few holdouts believing that. Despite my astonishment that someone would be that naïve, let me point out a few of flaws in that.

  1. Fruit of the poisonous tree. – Once a fabrication is revealed how can you trust any of this person’s evidence going forward? You cannot.
  2. Motive. There is no valid one.

Let’s look at motive in a couple of aspects of why someone would fabricate a story.

  1. To protect the creature? Well this doesn’t work here, why not just keep your mouth shut? It’s been almost 3 years. And why would you be alluding to the creatures currently on your land in social media posts?
  2. To protect a person or other witnesses? Again why open your mouth? Why allude that they are on your property? You are drawing people in so that defies anything allegedly to protect anyone.

The missing piece: How was it done?

One question that kept prevailing, how did he do it? Well in investigation you don’t always get every single element of a crime. You may not get the stolen money recovered, or the murder weapon, or a motive, heck some murders you don’t even have a body!

But I can state my hypothesis based on some of the intelligence gathered now that we know Yeoman’s Colorado residence.

In my opinion this was a person in a mask or costume, and was shot with a video camera, like Yeoman states and photos were taken of the video on a computer screen. In doing what I do for a living I have seen plenty of taking photos from a phone of video surveillance to get into the of officers for a BOLO (Be on the lookout). So upon inspection of the pictures I concur.

The pictures may have only been released via social media and not directly sent to anyone as to mask any metadata on the pictures.  However in thinking of such, I give far too much credit to Yeoman for this. Given his background this may have been the only reason for him to distribute the photos.

That being said, I believe we are getting photos only because the video would prove this was a hoax by showing details Yeoman did not want people to say. He would simply counter any request of the video with they were destroyed in a fire.

However the photos provided do show an anomaly which I have identified as natural lighting source from a neighbor’s house, likely a patio given the vertical size of the light. The blurring of the light in one of the photos confirms to me this was a video.

89974071_627802041335554_3337122093580943360_n89697692_627801968002228_2039526183271399424_n (1)

Using Yeoman’s actual residence we can see the potential source of the light in the photos.

Diagram 1

A representation using the submitter’s residence of how the video was shot. Line of sight may be off by several feet,

I think that sums that up pretty well.

Potential motive

I have thought long an hard on this one. As an investigator I do not want to think that given this man’s past this was for nefarious reasons, and that’s why for the most part I needed to get over my own shock of the matter.

I have stated in the past the need for a socially isolated person’s need to belong to something. And that something has to usually be done in a grand way. Loneliness can play with the mind, as we are all personally facing in this time of pandemic. But if our social circles are small and in some cases spatially distant, as we have seen with Yeoman and we see a man, likely condemned by his past, probably just trying to belong somewhere and he saw this hoax as an “in.”

Not for money, not for nefarious reasons, just lonely, bored and isolated.

We will be doing a full take on this, this Sunday, 9PM Eastern on Squatch-D TV catch us there to join the conversation.


Till next time,


Aside from this horrible pandemic racing across the country, there has been this posting of a series of pictures across the internet by a man claiming to be “Scott Yeoman” from Bailey, Colorado of a Sasquatch peeking through his living room window.


Two of the series of pictures

The pictures themselves have only to my knowledge been provided via social media, and according to Yeoman are pictures of a computer screen of an alleged video source shot on August 24th, 2017. However despite in mid March this year posting the pictures in Facebook groups the pictures, nor any content appeared on his Facebook page for 2017.

As I have stated in the past a piece of evidence is only as good as the story behind it and Yeoman provided one on the Facebook Group he posted the pictures to:

“Ok so here’s the story with my photos… So, we (my wife and I) bought 11 acres of land in Bailey Colorado we built a foundation of cinder block that is 3’6" above the ground. The land is mostly hard pack dirt and large rock which I shared a video of when we bought it. After we moved a modular home there, we lived off and on there for 2 years while we got it ready for permanent residency.

In August of 2017 we were finishing the interior of the back of the house and I came into the living room and caught a whiff of a VERY harsh odor in the room. It smelled like rotting animal flesh, vomit, and excrement. I caught glimpse of something moving outside the window from the corner of my eye. We have had bears visit pretty regular but the tried to get under the house, not in it. But when I see the figure by the window, I thought a bear had somehow climes up to the window.

I take a lot of wildlife pictures because they literally come up to the outside of it like mule deer, Elk, Bear, haven’t seen any mountain lion, and other small game. I have quite a few feral cars all over my property, but they aren’t mine. But they hang out a lot. Anyway… I saw the top of the head and that caught my attention. It moved closer and I see it eyes were freaking huge and it scared me because bear eyes aren’t that large or far apart. I always have a camera handy to get a good shot of the elk that come extremely close to the house. When I realized it wasn’t a bear?

Fear struck me hardcore. I used a cheap kodak sport digital camera for taking pics and for the most part it takes fast action pictures/ video. It was on the end table next to my recliner approximately 6 ft. from the window. When I pointed it at the window it stopped swaying and closed it eyes as if it was child… "You can’t see me if my eyes are closed".

So, shaking and trying to video at the same time I moved back a step and it slowly moved from one side of the window to the other. It was seriously about a 10 min video, but it was on a 1" x 1 1/2" and card which had to be downloaded on my computer. It didn’t make any attempt to enter the house or run away.

About 8 minutes in my wife came into the room and asked me what I was doing. I told her there’s something outside and it ain’t no bear. When she looked over my shoulder she screamed "what is that thing!" And ran back to the bedroom. I stopped the video, went to the closet and grabbed my 40 caliber off the closet shelf. When I turned back around, it was moving away from the window. I wasn’t going to shoot at it if it tried to get in which it didn’t do. I went to my wife who was freaking out and tried to answer her bombardment of questions and after reassuring her that everything was ok.

She called the sheriff’s department and the sent 3 deputies to check out the property. Their conclusion was most like a bear or other wildlife. Until I showed them the playback. When they reviewed it two of the three were impressed and the third was like it’s a bear.

Anyway, the rest of the night was uneventful and peaceful other than my panicking wife. She ended up having my daughter and her husband come get her and took her to Golden for a couple of days. I downloaded this video on my computer at my mother’s house because she has internet access and I didn’t. Long story short my mother’s house burnt down on a fire we had out here last year.

We have seen it at a distance every now and then in the darkness by the fire light, not the body, but eye shine. And that’s pretty creepy too. But haven’t had any incidents of a destructive nature so I decided to just be cautious when I’m walking my property. I do carry my .40 cal always outside… Just in case. But haven’t had to pull it from my holster. I see signs where he’s broke branches on trees that I can’t reach on a 6′ ladder. And occasionally he’ll move things around. Most signs we see were always after we left and came back home. There’s the story behind the photos…. I hope people can find something in here to benefit them if they are dealing with one too.”

Originally I was going to point out what is behaviorally wrong with the story such as why didn’t he let his wife know what is going on from minute one? But developments in the research lead to more definitive things.

In trying to verify where Mr. Yeoman lives to properly verify via FOIL the proper sheriff’s department for their report as Mr. Yeoman claims some things came to light which not only proved the story to be false, but also a community alert.

Debunking Yeoman

1. “So, we (my wife and I) bought 11 acres of land in Bailey Colorado…”

This is where the search began. And in actuality Mr. Yeoman did not purchase any land in Bailey, CO. more matter to the fact he lives in Golden, CO in this neighborhood. In fact we learned that “Scott Yeoman” is in actuality, Jonathan Scott Yeoman born in 1966.


2. “I stopped the video, went to the closet and grabbed my 40 caliber off the closet shelf…”

According to Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S) 8-12-108 a felon cannot possess a weapon. This would include any type of gun or crossbow for hunting or any other purpose.

That’s right, Mr. Yeoman is a felon. Arrested in 1992 for CHILD MOLESTATION in Howard County, Indiana. Kokomo, IN is in Howard County.

Indiana DOC

From the Indiana DOC website.

Yeoman was giving one day shy of 6 years and was released early on September 30th, 1994 after serving 2.5 years.

registry photoedit1fbprof

(Left) Looking rough for a booking photo, date unknown. (Center & Right) Facebook posts.

Yeoman had another encounter with the law, for harassment on November 22nd, 2008 in Jefferson County, Colorado. (Golden, CO is in Jefferson County.)


This is not a debunking based on Yeoman’s character. It is based on his story behind the pictures which turned out to be lies. If you lie on a story of about how something came about, what does that mean?

“A piece of evidence is only good as the story behind it.” – Steve Kulls

Clearly there is a precedent here with disclosing a bit more personal information than on some hoaxes. That is because hoaxes end results are usually harmless or financially motivated. We have a sex offender who preys upon children, so I have to drive home the point. When a person who preys upon children, (And I don’t care how long ago) begins to show clear signs of dishonesty it should make us question why. And in this case I am too scared to speculate, as he is making allusions to Bigfoot being on his property regularly.

The community needs to boot this guy starting yesterday!!!!


Till Next time,


Squatch-D TV March 22nd, 2020 (Minnesota Researcher Abe Del Rio)

Steve Kulls
Multistreaming with

Join hosts Steve Kulls & Chris Bennett with news, presentations, videos and pics from the Bigfoot world. Sundays 9PM Eastern. #bigfoot #sasquatch #stopthewoonacy