Hey gang, it’s been a while since writing a blog. A lot has been going on. I spent much of the year building my private investigation business and working as a full time investigator again. So while I am on the computer and in the field quite a bit over the summer, much of it was spent in professional efforts rather than a cryptozoological one.

Now that thinks are back to a dull roar, I can now spend some time enjoying my pastime, the more crypto and paranormal things.

First my usual winter warning. Lots of times I will get pictures from folks featuring tracks in the snow. Many do not consider that melt can occur even in freezing conditions as sunlight hits a track.




Here’s a picture from my front yard showing what a boot print looks like after a few days of some sunlight on it. The print itself expanded exponentially and looks more like a bare foot than a booted or shoed one. So..caveat emptor.

The latest picture making the rounds

So over the fall during the Whitehall Sasquatch Festival I met a lot of folks.  The first was a woman who had a very interesting video capture and is going to be the focus of an investigation over the spring when foliage comes back, and the snow cover get’s lost! Sorry have to hold that one back until I can properly investigate it.

I also had a gentleman approach me and state he had an interesting trail camera shot, and showed it to me and I took a picture of the picture.



In the beginning of December it has started to make the rounds on YouTube and several websites and Facebook posts.  The video below from the Squatch Watchers Channel has an interview with Joe Hunt, the submitter of the picture.





The picture was taken on private land in June. Now the picture does have a year stamp of 2015 and whether that was an oversight, we are still not quite sure if the camera had the wrong year on it or whether or not it was taken in June of 2018. During the interview, which appeared to be sincere and authentic of Mr. Hunt, he did state the picture was taken in June on private land adjacent to the South Mountains Game Land in North Carolina.



What would I like to see, is some comparison pictures of humans, using the same camera with the same tree.

This is what needs yet to be done and should be done:

  • Comparison pic with the camera, posted on the same tree, at thee exact same height and angle the camera was originally placed with some known variables as a test subject to properly ascertain height, width and distance from the camera.
  • Clarification on the exact date, 2015 or 2018?
  • Other captures from the camera the time it was up during the photo in question.

Other than some testimony from an experienced hunter, we lack the investigation into the photo and we get rather a subject analysis, albeit a good one. A proper investigation will answer the questions to lend credence to the photo that this is a Sasquatch, or debunk it, but it needs to be done.


Sharpened Cropped

A little quick work of my own… sharpened and cropped.


The good news at least is that there is a story behind it, not just some random photo and it certainly requires more investigation before any labels be put on it.

My initial thoughts are, look at the leaves in the background and sticks on the ground. If we are looking at a 5, 6 or 7 foot creature, those leaves and sticks look awfully big. And we don’t see trees in the background, we see plant life. A recreation photo would do much to answer those questions.

Sad News

I’d like to share a couple of passings in the Bigfoot Community.

First is Leroy Blevins. Mr. Blevins wrote a book about the Patterson-Gimlin film and recreated a suit to pony tail the work of Greg Long. Although I did not agree with Mr. Blevins sentiments on the PG Film, and he was aware of that, he was a gentleman.


Leroy Blevins

While at ScareFest in 2017, he came up to my table and introduced himself and presented a copy of his book to me. Although I did not agree with it’s final premise the book did contain some great historical items not easily found.


Another and very sad passing was the passing of William Dranginis long time Virginia Bigfoot researcher and an expert on FLIR technology.



William personally was a humanitarian and dedicated family man, but perhaps best known for creating a FLIR surveillance vehicle he used in his Sasquatch missions.



William was a mentor to many a his grounded approach to Sasquatch research and he will be greatly missed.

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Till next time,
