There are times when I write something with a heavy heart, and this is one such occasion.


In February 2011, I was the team leader for the Nat Geo special, The Truth Behind the Loch Ness Monster.


Briefing the dive team, Feb. 2011 at Loch Ness.

Our boat, (The Nessie Hunter) skipper was George Edwards, a life long tour boat guide on the Loch, who claimed to have two sighting, at the time to seeing the famed Nessie.


George Edwards (Steve Kulls Photo)

In March 2012 George released what was purported to be the best picture of Nessie yet…



Here’s the close up…


Tonight while doing a radio show, someone asked if I had seen the photos of George Edwards. I did not, but then I was suddenly surprised as I remembered our weathered Scottish captain.

When I saw the pictures, my heart sank as I recognized it immediately.

I remember George on the top deck of the boat, taking pictures of our prop hump, used in sighting recreations for the program. The hump itself, was not made by the crew but had previously been used for another program.

              prop 3prop

Screen shots of the prop used in the Truth Behind the Loch Ness Monster

Yes they are certainly the same.  Sorry George, I now believe you are a hoaxer, and I say this with a heavy heart.

But it is what it is.

I was suspicious of George, as our 3 day boat expedition had come to end it was time for the polygraph tests, of some of the eyewitnesses and to be administered by the super examiner and Scotland Yard retiree,  David Byrd. (Who was phenomenal!)


David Byrd preparing the polygraph, prior to testing. Sandy, our sound man is in the hot seat. (Steve Kulls photo)

Both Mikko Takala and the nice lady from the Highlands had both passed the test with flying colors. Then it came time for George’s. He looked nervous as hell. He failed the test.

Due to George running a local tourist business, a decision was made by the production team to cut that from the final copy of the show, as did the hydrophone testing run by the Marine Biologists brought in.


Marine biologists, Ian Todd and Dr. Victoria Todd of Ocean Science Consulting, pictured here on the deck of the Nessie Hunter, preparing the hydrophone equipment. (Steve Kulls photo)

And as they did my debunking of the Robert Preston photo, which was vastly different from the scientist’s opinion that was aired in the program, but my theory had been tested and validated.

Of course I was able to recreate the pictures, with my theory and quite closely as well.

Preston photoIMG_20110221_031737

(Left) The Preston photo taken with an I-Phone. (Right) Steve Kulls recreation photo taken with an Android phone.


Preston being interviewed by the production company. (Steve Kulls photo)

Needless to say Preston wanted money for the use of his picture, and as a groundskeeper at the Aldourie Castle, he should have been quite aware of this sun reflection from the copper on the roof from the house across the Loch.

Although I say this with a heavy heart, I am so proud polygrapher David Byrd was right on the money.

Speaking of which, it seems that the two people involved in the show which turned out to be hoaxer, was their main motive; money.

Preston via, trying to sell his photograph to any who wanted to put it in a commercial application and now Edwards trying to boost his tour boat business.

Well yet another hoax busted and another hoaxer revealed. But its all part of the job.

Till Next Time,
