Tag Archive: PG Film

Here is my YouTube response to Rictor Riolo on calling me a fraud on his “final” episode of “Off the Rictor.”

There is no excuse for him calling me a fraud… period. We have a disagreement over something. So he chooses to purposely gaslight it because I disagree with what he thought the context of a conversation was. I know what I heard, and know what I didn’t hear. Having a conversation over that, to clarify is something real world investigators do. Clarify when things are grey. Calling someone a hoaxer, a liar or a fraud requires evidence. Conversations spoken in circles and or delicately is not evidence. Me changing my mind on something is not fraud. To call it such is gaslighting.

  • 1. He drags me into a fight that wasn’t mine, without any foreknowledge. And his original dispute  based on a 5 minute discussion almost a years earlier.
  • 2. After I talk to him and listen to the other side, I realize what was said was or may have been misinterpreted.  So I retract what I say, without even saying Rictor is wrong or anything derogatory to say about Rictor. And nine months later he goes on a rant why?
  • 3. After I talked to him on the phone, and he does not raise an argument and seems like he is agreeing with me.
  • 4. The reason for his hatred of Russell had nothing to do with Bigfoot or the topic at all. It involved Russell’s personal life.
  • 5. In late 2021 on the Coalition page, he publicly asks me if I still have that original statement I had made. (I did not). He promised that if I give him the video, he "won’t talk bad about me or make fun of me."

Even if I had the film, after making such a threat, I wouldn’t give it to him or anyone after such a threat. (And the fact is I wasn’t even on the Coalition page at that time, I dropped out a couple of months earlier).  I have nothing to hide. There are no Expedition Bigfoot appearances or cash deals for me despite what he thinks or his witless minion thinks (if it’s not just a sock account).  More to that, Expedition Bigfoot: Not a fan, and the viewers of my show know why. (ex. Cinnabar Mines, Antoine Ranch, mysterious marbles appearing, playing with chimp pheromones and then getting chimp DNA).

Bottom line is we have a guy, who is playing the victim card and wants everyone’s sympathy. He starts the program by dealing with a topic that we all agree on, that insults based on gender, race, sexual orientation are not acceptable UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. Then he moves on to his agenda of how hurt he is. Gaslighting.

Ask yourself: How many friends did Rictor turn on?  One or two, I can understand, but the numbers Rictor has, well guess what? He should be looking in the mirror of who turned on him. It was the result of his own self-destructive behavior.

Despite his past and warnings from others, I had the faith for a while to call him friend. Had long conversations about things other than Bigfoot over years. We share the love of the Star Wars franchise.

After the disagreement over this Russell statement thing, I let a few months fly, as I was a little miffed over being thrown in and know he might be stinging a bit knowing I had changed my opinion in the matter.  He didn’t bother calling either I might add and he could have to have a discussion like adults. But why bother when you can hide behind YouTube and Social Media?

In December I wished him a Happy Birthday, but realized that he is blocking me. Tried calling him, blocked again. There was never a bad word said between us at that point, other than the fact it would have been nice to know I was having my name thrown out there which was going to set my phone on fire. And then this.

So in perspective, I think he has hard time letting things go or accepting people with differences other than him. May be a result of the discrimination and possible isolation he experienced or felt due to his sexual orientation., which for me was never an issue.  So I do understand and empathize.

This can also lead to cynicism as well. When you are beat down at a young age it gives you a chip on your shoulder, as well as being eliminated first, on a third rate TV game show. 

This began his turn to Bigfoot isn’t real. Now lets talk gaslighting… everyone is lying if they’ve had a Bigfoot experience. Everyone is a hoaxer in the Bigfoot world and Rick Dyer is the only honest one. Everyone in the Bigfoot world is a liar, cheat, drunk. Now who sounds like they have a chip on the shoulder?

First, these things occur in everything everywhere. Liars, drunks, cheats. Politics.. yes. Hollywood…yes, Law enforcement…yes, Firefighting…yes. It’s a rough world out there, and what you need is a thick skin and a morale compass. I remember setting out in this world as a young man with higher expectations and saw the world for what it was. Pockets of good and bad. The whole thing is to have the maturity and retrospective to sort it out.

"Only a Sith speaks in absolutes."

  • 1. There have been thousands of eyewitness reports including by people that have risked careers going public. Some of these encounters date back as early as 1818.
  • 2. There have been numbers of foot casts made that were not faked or misidentified.
  • 3. There have been hairs discovered in the forests of North America that are primate in nature and lack medulla to extract DNA.
  • 4. Certain dermal ridge evidence on the some of the track casts. (Not all…but some)

Now there are some people that would throw the PG Film or the Sierra Sounds in here as evidence, but for the sake of argument, let’s omit them for this discussion.

And for those that lack the resolve to keep on keeping on because that’s all we got, have the resolve of those researchers in the past.

When you have a person that has a record for turning on people, and then claims he is the victim, then puts himself in his own Hall of Shame, well that sounds like a "pity party" to me. All of the actions unfortunately, I see when it comes to "friends that turned on him," was his own doing. We all know people in life that do this constantly, "the victim card." Here is just another example I am sad to say.

And no…. Dyer was not the only person ever to come out to admit he was a hoaxer. Just the most public one.

Till Next Time,


An article caught my attention and once again a “journalist” makes a completely false statement:

Some cryptids have seared into our minds and have become pop culture icons. Bigfoot, the American super celebrity of the ape-man family, was made famous by the Patterson-Gimlin footage, the grainy, minute long film of Bigfoot walking through a clearing while rolling his shoulder to look at his audience…

Of course, both these visual proofs have been proven to hoaxes.

– Richard Worth

 Source:  https://theovertake.com/~full-moon/cryptozoology/

So let’s look at this from my perspective. He mentions the infamous Loch Ness “Surgeon Photo,” and yes, that eventually came out as a hoax including pictures of the model used to create the hoax.

But the Patterson-Gimlin film was never proven to be a hoax. Why does he claim it has been? The statement is very disingenuous.



Frame 352 of the Patterson-Gimlin Film


If the same standards of evidence is applied to the existence of Sasquatch it should be used uniformly for claims of hoaxes as well.


(Editors Note: That’s why sometimes we are, “not so quick” to call something a hoax, unless we do our due diligence and have something other than a flippant claim, or opinion (unless we state so) before calling something a hoax or leveling accusations. We do not call out things unless it is sourced and documented and evidence provided. We do this for pro-Sasquatch evidence as well )


One or two people making claims, which over time changed, providing no physical evidence,  does a hoax not prove. Hieronimous never provided any evidence that he was the person in the suit, nor did the late Phillip Morris ever produce a receipt for the one he claims to allegedly Roger Patterson bought.



 Hieronimous claims he was friends with Roger Patterson, and accompanied Patterson and Gimlin to Nor Cal with his costume. Patterson’s widow says he’s lying. Bob Gimlin says he’s lying. No one can corroborate Hieronimous’ claim that he accompanied Patterson and Gimlin. Various living witnesses near Bluff Creek say Patterson and Gimlin were not accompanied by anyone. No one ever saw Hieronimous with those two. Hieronimous doesn’t know where they went exactly, or which route they too…There are statements from people around Yakima who recall Hieronimous having some kind of furry costume in his trunk during that period, and remember his claims that he would try to fool some people with it. So there may have been a costume in his possession in the mid-1960’s, but he didn’t hang on to it, nor did anyone take a photo of him wearing it.

Source: http://undebunkingbigfoot.blogspot.com/2013/11/debunking-claimed-bigfoot-cosume-hoaxer.html


Mr. Worth does bring up some of the usual points about pseudo-science, etc, which every skeptic loves to bring up.However, Mr. Worth’s basic knowledge of a topic he mentions, the P-G film, his facts are incorrect when he calls “Patty” a “he.”

If you are going to call something a hoax, Mr. Worth, at least better have his facts straight about the claims and to show real journalism, not wave an accusatory statement that something is a hoax without at least doing the minimal homework required.

Further more why is Worth calling a Sasquatch a member of the “ape family?” Is this some of his own conjecture?  We know it is from the order primate, but we have no clue as to if it is Pongid (Ape) or Hominid, or even its own special branch off.

Now if people want to debate the authenticity of the film that’s fair. People can have their own opinions. But no suit, no receipts, no proof. Everything else is mere conjecture including Mr. Worth’s flippant claim.

This week on Squatchdetective Radio


Till Next Time,
